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Reinsurance is becoming an increasingly important topic for financial service providers, and also for the regulator. But in the current training offer, this subject is still not (fully) covered and is at most a small part of insurance technical modules. The Dutch Reinsurance Association, together with the UvA Academy for Banking and Insurance, has now taken the initiative for the new course. The course will consist of four half-days and will focus on a broad target group.

Target audience

The course is intended for everyone who encounters the reinsurance profession and has an academic working and thinking level:

  • Employees working for reinsurers;
  • Insurers who buy reinsurance;
  • Reinsurance brokers;
  • Supervisors;
  • Directors/ supervisory directors;
  • Actuarial, accountancy, tax and legal consultants.


Not scheduled.


€ 2.000,- (incl. exam, certificate, course material)
€ 1.600,- (excl. exam, incl. certificate, course material)


See also:


Are you interested in this training? Then please contact