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The teaching and research of the Academy for Banking and Insurance is aimed primarily at key officers (executives, members of managing and supervisory boards, line managers, compliance officers, risk managers, auditors, legal officers, company lawyers, and so on), lawyers, judges, accountants and consultants (such as IT consultants) who are employed by a financial institution, and by banks and insurance companies in particular.

The substance of the aforementioned positions has become more complex due to new European and Dutch laws and regulations. Individuals in key positions are asked to convey authority, independence and professionalism, while their up-to-the-minute expertise must be demonstrable and evident at the same time. Such individuals are additionally expected to be capable of working in close cooperation with other key officers and executives within the financial institution.


Issues relating to operations, compliance, risk, audit and law must therefore be viewed from the perspective of the other party as well. In other words, a key officer must be able to empathise with – to walk in the shoes of – other important officials and executives. All issues and current dilemmas should be approached in an integral, broadly-considered and interdisciplinary fashion, with an open view to relevant scientific and social developments. In short, all key officers must be able to establish cross-connections between disciplines.