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Overview of graduates of the programme leading to the qualification in Certified Integrated Risk Advisor, who are entitled to use the title CIRA.

The Certified Integrated Risk Advisor programme is taught at the UvA Academy for Banking and Insurance. The continuing professional education course was introduced in 2019.

In order to remain continually up-to-date, integrated risk advisors are expected to devote 16 hours per year to continuing professional education (PE). The PE requirement comes into force with the first calendar year after graduation.

All individuals listed in the CIRA Register are entitled to make use of the title ‘Certified Integrated Risk Advisor’, as well as the abbreviated title CIRA. This website makes public only the names of those persons from whom explicit permission to do so has been obtained.

The term CIRA (Certified Integrated Risk Advisor) has been registered with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property.

drs. O.M.B. (Omar) Abdellaoui  CIRA

diploma 2019

J.M. (Jelske) Adema LLM CIRA

diploma 2021

E.S.O. (Ellen) Appiah BBA CORM CIRA

diploma 2023

M. (Monique) Batenburg MSc CIRA

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (16); 2021 (18); 2022 (24)

F.J. (Frederique) Beaumont MBA, MPhil, MSc CIRA

diploma 2022

E.L.I. (Evelyn) Bell  LL.M. MSc. CIRA

diploma 2022

mr.  J. (Jeroen) Beumer CIRA

diploma 2019
PE 2021 (6)

O. (Oscar) Bodewes Msc CIRA

diploma 2022

M.A.C. (Michel) Brand MSc MBA CSFL CIRA

PE 2017 voldaan (30); 2018 voldaan (22)

drs. D.M. (Dana) Cratochvil - Vuijk Msc CIRA

diploma 2024

drs. I. (Ilse) van Eekelen BA CIRA

Diploma 2020

ir. A.J. (Albert Jan) van Engen MBA CIRA

Diploma 2019
PE 2020 (12); PE 2021 (18)

mr. M. (Mehtap) Folkertsma-Özdemir  EMoC CSFL CIRA

Diploma 2020
PE 2017 voldaan (22); 2018 (6)

T. J. (Terence) Gerrits CIRA

Diploma 2019

T.A. (Trycia) Gietema CCP CIRA

Diploma 2020

drs. M. (Maarten) van Ginkel RA CIRA

Diploma 2019
PE 2020 (6); 2021 (6)

B. (Bart) de Haan BBA CIRA

Diploma 2019

E.J. (Elco) Harte  RFEA CCO CIRA

diploma 2022
PE 2022 (8)

J.M.C. (Jan-Maurits) Hoijtink LL.M CIRA

diploma 2021

V. (Viresh) Jagesar MSc RA CIRA

Diploma 2019

J.H. (Jaco) Janssen CIRA

diploma 2021

D. (Dion) Jautze CIRA

diploma 2024

drs. B. (Bert) Jolink RC CIRA

Diploma 2020

ing. M.M.R. (Maurice) Jongmans CCP CIRA

diploma 2022, Specialisatie Sustainability

drs. M. (Monique) Kinnegim AAG CIRA

Diploma 2019, Specialisatie Sustainability
PE 2020 (8); 2021 (16); 2022 (12)

Th. A. (Thomas) Kool BA CIRA

diploma 2022

mr. drs. P. (Pieter) Liefting CCP CIRA

diploma 2024

drs. K. (Kris) Marx CIRA

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (6)

mr. drs. D. (Dennis) Meijne CSFL CIRA

Diploma 2019
PE 2017 voldaan (16); 2018 voldaan (28); 2019 voldaan (22); 2020 voldaan (18); voldaan 2021 (18); voldaan 2022 (18); voldaan 2023 (18)

mr. D. (Dennis) Noordervliet CIRA

Diploma 2019

C.K.C. (Caspar) Nijland MSc CIRA

diploma 2022

D.A. (Daisy) Osei  MSc IRMcert CIRA

diploma 2023

mr. R.P.W. (Redmar) Poen CIRA

diploma 2022

R.W. (Rob) Potter CSFL CIRA

diploma 2019
PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 (16); 2019 (16); 2020 (16); 2021 (12); 2023 (12)

mr. J.M (Joyce) van Remundt CIRA

diploma 2022

S. (Sjoerd) Rennings CIRA

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (16); 2021 (18); 2022 (12)

drs. W.R. (Wietse) Terpstra RA RC CCP CIRA

diploma 2022

drs. E.M. (Eva) van Veen MA  CIRA

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (16); 2021 (12); 2022 (6)

F. (Frans) van de Veen CIRA

diploma 2020
PE 2021 (16); 2023 (6)

R. (Robert) Veneboer BBA CAMS CIRA

diploma 2020

mr. R. (Rienk) van der Velde CSFL CIRA

diploma 2024

Jhr mr T. H. (Therus) de Villeneuve CIRA

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (8); 2021 (6); 2023 (6)

mr. P. (Peter) van Vliet CSFL CIRA

diploma 2020, Spedialisatie Sustainability
PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 voldaan (16)

mr. R.M. (Reinie) Voragen CIRA

diploma 2024

drs. S. de Vries-Bultman

diploma 2024

G.J. (Geke) Wichems CIRA

diploma 2020

R.N. (Roy) de Wildt MSc CIRA

diploma 2020

I. (Ivan) de Wit MSc CIRA

diploma 2022

drs. A.V. (Kawien) Ziedses des Plantes  MSc CIRA

diploma 2022