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Overview of graduates of the programme leading to the qualification in Certified Specialist Financial Law, who are entitled to use the title CSFL.

The Certified Specialist Financial Law programme is taught at the UvA Academy for Banking and Insurance. The continuing professional education course in Financial Law was introduced in 2017.

In order to remain continually up-to-date, experts in financial law are expected to devote 16 hours per year to continuing professional education (PE). The PE requirement comes into force with the first calendar year after graduation.

All individuals listed in the CSFL Register are entitled to make use of the title ‘Certified Specialist Financial Law’, as well as the abbreviated title CSFL. This website makes public only the names of those persons from whom explicit permission to do so has been obtained.

The term CSFL (Certified Specialist Financial Law) has been registered with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property under number 1263556.

mr. M.C. (Moniva) Angenent-Martina CCP CSFL

diploma 2024

drs. A. (Aloys) Bart CPC CSFL

diploma 2018

R.A.M. (Rens) de Bekker LLM CCO CSFL

PE 2017 (6)

mr. E.J. (Eric) Blom CSFL

diploma 2018; PE 2019 voldaan (16); PE 2020 voldaan (20); PE 2021 (18); 2022 (18); 2023 (6)

mr. R. (Rego) Boer CSFL

diploma 2018

mr. J.J. (Jurgen) Borst EMoC CSFL

PE:  2017 voldaan (18); 2018 (16); 2019 (6); 2020 voldaan (18); PE 2021 (18); 2022 (12); 2023 (12)

drs P. (Pieter) Bouwknegt AAG CSFL

PE 2017 (8); 2018 (6)

drs. K. M. L. (Katrin) Brand CSFL

PE 2017 (12); 2018 voldaan (16); 2019 (6); 2021 (18)

M.A.C. (Michel) Brand MSc MBA CSFL CIRA

PE 2017 voldaan (30); 2018 voldaan (22)

mr. Th. (Thomas) Brevoord CCO CFSL

diploma 2022

mr. S. (Stefan) Brugts CSFL

diploma 2024

N. (Nathalie) Deronchi CAC CSFL

Diploma 2020; PE 2021 (16); PE 2022 (6)

M. J. (Marina) Devid LLM CCO CSFL

diploma 2023

mr. S. (Sandra) Dijkgraaf CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (22); 2018 (8); 2019 (18); 2020 (28); 2021 (8); 2022 (12); 2023 (12)

mr. J.D. (Jeroen) Essink CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 voldaan (16); 2019 (18); 2020 (18); 2021 (18); 2022 (12); 2023 (24)

mr. A.A. (André) Ettema CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (16); 2018 (14); 2019 (6); 2020 (4); 2022 (6)

mr. M. (Mehtap) Folkertsma-Özdemir  EMoC CSFL CIRA

PE 2017 voldaan (22); 2018 (6)

mr. I. (Ingrid) Freyer CSFL

PE 2017 (6); 2018 (10): 2019 (6); 2020 (18)

R. (Roberta) Gaddoni CCO CSFL

diploma 2023

G.M. (Gracita) George LLM CSFL

diploma 2017
PE 2018 voldaan (16); 2019 (12); 2021 (6);; 2022 (10); 2023 (6)

mr. A.E. (Andrea) Goossens CSFL

diploma 2018; PE 2019 (6); 2020 (6); 2021 (6)

mr. B.R. (Bert-Rein) Griede CSFL

diploma 2018

mr. J.S. (Jasper) Groot CSFL

diploma 2018
PE 2020 (6)

M.A. (Maaike) Hilderink LLM MSc CSFL

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (16); PE 2021 (6); PE 2022 (6)

mr. J.G. (Joye) Hoekstra CSFL

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (20); 2021 (18); 2022 (18); 2023 (12)

mr. drs. D.J.M.P. (Diana) Horsmeier MM CSFL

diploma 2019
PE 2021 (6)

mr. A.H.L. (Antoinette) van Huls van Taxis CSFL

diploma 2021

mr. A.M. (Alexander) Jägers CSFL

PE 2019 (6)

mr. N.M.C. (Noortje) Jorritsma CSFL

Diploma 2019
PE 2020 (22); 2021 (6); 2023 (6)

mr. S.C. (Sophie) van Kan CSFL

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (6); PE 2021 (24)

I.D. (Diana) Kerekes LLM CSFL

diploma 2020
PE 2020 (6); 2021 (12); 2022 (18); 2023 (6)

mr. L.D. (Louis) Kers CSFL

diploma 2020

mr. drs. Z.R. (Zeeshan) Khan CSFL

diploma 2017; 2019 (6); 2020 (6); 2022 (6)

drs. K. (Karen) Klaver CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 voldaan (16); PE 2019 voldaan (24); PE 2020 voldaan (30); PE 2021 (24); 2022 (24); 2023 (18)

mr. M.A. (Margreeth) Kleijer CSFL

PE 2017 (10); 2018 (10); 2019 (6)

mr. E.P.A. (Eric) de Kluijver CCO CSFL

diploma 2018; 2019 (14); 2020 (24); 2022 (30); 2023 (12)

mr. P. (Peter) Knop CSFL

diploma 2020

W. (Wim) Koelewijn MBA CCO CSFL

diploma 2022

mr. J.A.M. (Juliette) Kok-Lambers CSFL

diploma 2023

J. (Jeroen) Koomans LLM, CSFL

PE 2017 (10); 2018 voldaan (16); 2019 (16); 2020 (18); 2022 (6); 2023 (6)

de heer J. (Jorrit) Koopmans CCO CSFL

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (28); 2021 (24); 2022 (18); 2023 (18)

mr. S.J. (Saskia) Kwint CSFL

diploma 2017
PE 2018 voldaan (22); 2019 (14); 2020 (12)

mr. F. (Fatima) Laaraj el Makrini CSFL

diploma 2021

mr. M. (Marijke) Leliveld, CSFL

diploma 2017, PE 2018 (4); 2019 (6); 2020 (6); 2022 (12)

mr. G.L.H.M. (Gé) Lenssen CSFL CIPP/e

PE 2017 (8); PE 2019 (6)

dr. W. (Wenqing) Liao CSFL

diploma 2021

mr. drs. R. (Ruud) van de Meerakker CSFL

diploma 2021

mr. C.M. (Cindy) Meijer CSFL

PE 2017 (12); 2018 voldaan (16)

mr. drs. D. (Dennis) Meijne CSFL CIRA

PE 2017 voldaan (16); 2018 voldaan (28); 2019 voldaan (22); 2020 voldaan (18); voldaan 2021 (18); voldaan 2022 (18); voldaan 2023 (18)

mr. J.M. (Joost) Metselaar CCO CSFL

diploma 2018;  2019 (14); 2022 (6)

mr. A.I. Meynaar CSFL

diploma 2022
PE 2022 (6); 2023 (6) 

mr. D.C.E. (Dorien) Naarding CSFL

diploma 2017, PE 2018 (4)

mr. M. (Mariëlle) van der Neut CSFL

Diploma 2019
PE 2020 (24); 2021 (12)

mr. E. (Eva) Nijhof CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (16); 2018 (8); 2021 (6)

mr. M. (Marianne) Nijland CSFL

diploma 2021

mr.drs. D.J. (Deborah) Olthoff CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 (4)

F.T.G. (Floor) Oosterwechel MSc CSFL

diploma 2017
PE 2018 voldaan (18)

mr. L.J.P. (Leon) Peeters CSFL

diploma 2015
PE 2017 voldaan (16); 2018 voldaan (16); 2020 (16); 2021 (6)

mr. W. (Wouter) Peeters CSFL

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (18); PE 2021 (6); PE 2020 (6); 2022 (6)

D.A. (Dennis) Pels MSc CSFL †

PE 2017 voldaan (16); 2018 voldaan (22)

mr. K.M. (Karin) Petrici CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 voldaan (16); 2019 (18); 2020 (40); 2021 (18); 2022 (12); 2023 (12)

R.W. (Rob) Potter CSFL CIRA

PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 (16); 2019 (16); 2020 (16); 2021 (6); 2022 (6); 2023 (12)

mr. K.H. (Karen) Raghoebar MM CSFL

diploma 2016
PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 voldaan (16); 2020 (24); 2021 (12); 2022 (12); 2023 (6)

mr. R.J.H.A. (Ryanne) Reinders CCP CSFL

diploma 2023

drs. M.J.P. (Michiel) Ruiter CSFL

diploma 2023

mr. K. (Kasper) Schouten CSFL

PE 2017 (6)

mr. R.J. (Rob) Schröder CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 (18); 2019 (16); 2020 (16); 2021 (12); 2022 (12); 2023 (12)

dhr. J.A. (Arjan) Schrooten CCO CSFL

diploma 2022
PE 2023 (18)

mr. R.S.L. (Robin) Schrijver CSFL

diploma 2023

M. (Marcel) Schuster CSFL


drs. ir. M.P.G. (Michael) Sewalt, LLM, PRM CSFL

diploma 2019
PE 2020 (22); 2021 (8); 2022 (16); 2023 (6)

drs. S.E.M. (Saskia) Slijboom CSFL

diploma 2022

P.W.M. (Priya) Soekhai LLM, CSFL


mr. P. (Peter) Soesbeek CSFL

PE 2018 (10)

drs. B.D. (Barbara) Soggiu CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (16); 2018 voldaan (16); 2019 (18); 2021 (6)

mr. A.M. (Anne-Marthe) Stellingwerf CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 voldaan (18); 2019 (8); 2020 voldaan (18); 2021 (6); 2022 (12); voldaan 2023 (18)

mr. H.T. (Hidde) Strampel CSFL

diploma 2021
PE 2021 (12)

mr. J.A. (Jordi) van den Top CSFL

PE 2017 (6)

mr. H.W.H. (Huub) Trooster CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (16); 2018 (22); 2019 (12); 2020 (30); 2021 (18); 2022 (18)

mr. S (Sahar) Vaziri CSFL

diploma 2017, PE 2018 voldaan (22); 2019 (12); 2020 (12)

mr. R. (Rienk) van der Velde CSFL CIRA

PE 2018 voldaan (16); 2019 (6); 2021 (12)

mr. R.W.C. (Reinout) Veldhuijzen CSFL


M.M. (Minke) Verberk MSc BBA CILE CSFL

diploma 2022

mr. R.P.A. (Ruben) Verschuren CSFL

diploma 2024

mr. P. (Peter) van Vliet CSFL CIRA

PE 2017 voldaan (18); 2018 voldaan (16)

mr. F.A.S. (Fedde) Vlietstra CSFL

diploma 2023

drs. P.M. (Pablo) de Vries CSFL

diploma 2020

mr. B.P.B. (Bas) van der Wal CSFL

diploma 2021

M. (Marije) van Wanrooij CIPP/E CCO DPO CSFL

diploma 2022
PE 2023 (22)

mr. N.P. (Niels) Witteveen MFP CSFL

PE 2019 (18); 2020 (12); 2021 (6); 2020 (6)

mr. A.O.C. (Ole) Wittich CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (24); 2018 voldaan (22); PE 2019 (18); PE 2020 (18); PE 2021 (18); 2022 (18); 2023 (18)

mr. J.P. (Jan Paul) van Woensel CSFL

diploma 2020

mr. J.J. (Jeanine) Zevenbergen CSFL

diploma 2024

mr. G. (Inge) Zwoferink CSFL

PE 2017 voldaan (22); 2018 (26); 2019 (10)