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The Bank Executive Programme was introduced in 2018 and is provided by the UvA Academy for Banking and Insurance. Successful completion of the Bank Executive Program will earn you the title CeBa® (Certified Banker), which is protected under private law.

The Bank Executive Programme was introduced in 2018 and is provided by the UvA Academy for Banking and Insurance. Successful completion of the Bank Executive Program will earn you the title CeBa® (Certified Banker), which is protected under private law.

All individuals listed in the CeBa Register are entitled to make use of the title ‘Certified Banker’, as well as the abbreviated title CeBa. This website makes public only the names of those persons from whom explicit permission to do so has been obtained.

The term CeBa (Certified Banker) has been registered with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property under number 1355499.

S.D. (Stef) Gerritsen BA CeBa

diploma 2019

ir. M.J. (Marco) Huijskes CeBa

diploma 2018

P.M.J.M. (Paul) Jaspers, MSc CeBa

diploma 2018

drs. A.G.H. (Alexander) Koenen RCP CeBa

diploma 2018

G.J. (Gert) Littooij, BBA MBA CeBa

diploma 2018

S. (Spurgeon) Maria MSc CeBa

diploma 2024

P.P.A.D. (Pieter) Mathot, CeBa

diploma 2018

drs. G.J. (Gert Jan) Meppelink, CeBa

diploma 2018

G. (Gavin) Ooft CeBa

diploma 2024

B.A. (Brian) Parmesar CeBa

diploma 2019

E. (Erdem) Tekin, MSc CeBa

diploma 2018