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Aegon uses internal models for a multitude of purposes within the organisation. The actual functioning of the models is known to a limited number of key “modelling alchemists”. The use of the models and the outcomes reach to a very wide range of people within the company. Almost everybody within Aegon gets across model outcomes on a daily basis. 

During this interactive workshop we will explore what models actually exists, what their use is and what their limitations are. This allows participants to better judge and use the outcomes in their daily working practice. The following questions will be addressed: 

  • What are the risk models that Aegon uses? How are these models embedded in the strategic decision making of the company? 
  • What is the risk that the models turn out to be wrong? What process is in place to manage this risk? 
  • How can we make sure we do not fall into the pitfalls that surrounds risk modelling? 

PE punten



dr. ir. R.R. (René) Doff, kerndocent ERM Universiteit van Amsterdam, Chief Risk Officer UK P&I Club N.V.
T. (Tjeerd) Degenaar MSc, Head of Actuarial Risk at Aegon Nederland/Head of Risk Management & Compliance at Aegon Schadeverzekering NV

Aantal deelnemers

Max. 20

Aantal bijeenkomsten



6 oktober 2022
24 november 2022  Vol !!


van 13u tot 17.30u


Engels of Nederlands, afhankelijk van de samenstelling van de groep. De power point presentatie is in het Engels.


ms Teams